Conditions of participation, Seven Cup 2024 rules

  • The Tour is for all amateur golfers of all performance categories, holders of the ČGF game certificate/green card with hcp 0-54 (in exceptional cases, the organizer of the Tour may grant an exception).
  • Each participant must adhere to the golf etiquette, follow the rules of golf, follow the ČGF competition rules and local course rules. In the case of a reasonable suspicion the he knowingly violated the above, the competition and organizing committee may disqualify the player without the right to a refund of any fees paid.
  • Applications can be submitted only via the ČGF server (only in case of technical problems to
  • The start list is compiled by the Tour organizer (any request for the flight can be sent to The organizer reserves the right to adjust the composition of the flight with regard to maintaining the smoothness of the game and compliance with the rules.
  • The start list will be compiled and published on the ČGF no later than the day before the tournament, no later than 8.00 pm.
  • Tees are used according to the local conditions of the course. As a rule, men from white tees, women from blue tees play to hcp 12, men from yellows tees and women from red tees play from hcp 12.
  • Measuring devices are allowed in all tournaments.
  • The participant cannot ride in any way during the tournament (permission only after agreement with the Tour Director, or after submitting a medical report).
  • There is no legal claim to prizes and they cannot be enforced at court.
  • Any reservation /info for the final golf reunion is only possible via the Tour Director.
  • Players start at their own expense and risk.